Verse of the day
Monday, August 31, 2009
Malaysia turns 52 today
Its Malaysia's 52nd "Birthday"
Its the 52nd year of independents.
I'm proud to be a Malaysian, even with so many this and that, but then this is where I'm born in and I'm here for a purpose.
Thank God for the freedom in Malaysia, able to follow freely believe in the religion we want, and the freedom we have.
So Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka.... haha
Google Malaysia's logo for Malaysia 52nd Independent's day.
Pretty cool huh?

Friday, August 28, 2009
An end in the making
Well, few more days and the holidays will be all but over and then starts the SPM trials.
Once again, time, is passing in front of me like a speeding bullet train.
So, what I did for my holidays, till now, no, no study at all...
2 days spend at Berjaya Plaza. Ask me why am I staying in a hotel when I have a home in KL?
It free, so why waste it? Well its also more convenient to go shopping around KL.
Tuesday basically not much.
Wednesday went around KL with friends celebrating birthday.
Went to Neway in the noon and then went to Pavilion to watch District-9.
Its the 1st time I went to Neway.
Then went all the way to Pavilion to watch District-9 which is 18PL because security there are less tight. Well, manage to go through the gate without problem lol.
Summary of the show, boring at the beginning, better at the end. Some said its giving headaches.
Lots of, and I mean lots of use of f*** which is annoying and lots of humans getting blown to bits by alien weapons but no body parts were seen flying cause they were like you know... totally blown to bits of bits...
Anyways its not what I really expected.
Then, the main thing, I got my new phone ^^
Model- Sony Ericsson C510.
Bought for RM790.
I heard the price was around Rm600 from my friend...
But anyway, its already bought.
Satisfied with it till this very moment.
Pics maybe some other time.
Internet access is having a bit of problems...
Computer also... sometimes it lags till like a Pentium 3...
Anyways, there will be the current updates.
God bless :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Holiday and quarantination
Holiday started for me 1 day earlier this time due to... quarantination. -.-"
Well, it happened when one of my friends was positive of H1n1 therefore due to close contact, I was quarantined.
However, I still went to church today ^^
1 week of holiday, I just hope I can really study and get some rest because after this is the SPM trials.
Anyways just want to update this short update today.
God bless.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
You didn't expect this don't you?

I just bought my own google web site, come support my hosting ^^
You could find special promotion like these original games:

Sunday, August 16, 2009
2009 Asia Pacific Youth Alive Conference
Its here, APYAC 2009 is here in Malaysia this year on the December 10-12.
Its being held in Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya.
More info on:
And heres a video
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Its theres, but will you seek it?
Life, the most miraculous thing in life.
As we are living, I'm sure many have asked these questions:
"Why Am I here on earth?"
"What is my purpose?"
"I'm so useless, what can I do on earth?"
"Everyone rejects me, why am I made like that?"
"Is there any purpose in life?"
I believe many have commonly give a long and deep thought about this questions.
From a Christian's point of view, the answer is, we are made for a purpose, a simple answer. No one is "made" accidentally, everyone has a purpose and when I mean everyone, it means everyone- you, him, her, them and me, regardless of the background we came from, a wonderful family, a broken family, an orphanage home, even the streets.
There is no accident.
Yes, your family did not plan you, but God did.
You have abilities, skills, you are not useless, no one is.
If you can't see it, its just not obvious, you have to look deeper, you have to seek.
Nothing comes without an effort.
Even we Christians say "Do your part, and God will do His"
See its still needs effort, its not a life where we live as we sit back, enjoy and relax. No, we don't live a "happy-go-lucky" life.
So what more if you're seeking your purpose?
There is no one, absolutely no one without a purpose.
All you need is to find it.
It is written in the Bible:
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8
So its all about seeking and finding.
I'm sure if you search deep down, you'll find that purpose.
Live you life to the fullest not half of it.
God bless.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Theres always a first time
I'm gonna blog about what experience in church today, something that happened to me for the first time and for real this time.
To tell the truth I really forgotten how to really cry and I really feel that this very heart of mine is a heart of "rock" rather then a "flesh" but today, this changed I believe.Today's youth service was totally different, we had a combined CG prayer service. When I stepped in today, there were to crosses in the hall. So, I thought it seems that today there're be some different programs.
As the service started it was as usual singing then we had prayer and singing again.
Then we had more prayer session, 1 part where many knelt before the cross and lay down their problem, troubles and so on. I went out too.
I prayed, but nothing happened. To tell you, I've seek the touch of God for long enough, but many times, there was my heart, harden as hard as stone. Then so, nothing came even I was praying as hard as I can.
After that, pastor told everyone there, write in the piece of paper that was given before that anything you want to tell God- every prayer, troubles, request and so on.
I wrote a whole piece of paper long but too I felt nothing much even though I written it with all my heart.
Then we continue singing praises.
After a while, we were told to gather in our respective CG and pray.
Everyone was seated down, given a candle and we are to lit it. Then we held hands in a circle and prayed.
After the prayer, I looked at the candle, I say to myself, "I just want to be a light in darkness like this candle here in front me, God"
Then my friend beside just suddenly lay her hands on me and prayed.
As she prayed, I just meditate on the words while looking at the candle.
Then tears just started rolling down and I just felt the peace.
Here my prayer was answered, for it was already some time that I prayed that I want to have a personal encounter with God.
I'm just really glad and thankful.
My prayer is finally answered, finally ^^
Thank you God.
We continue praying for our nation.
Then all went on till around 1.20pm.
After that went down and went to the books and tape counter before going hope and I saw Hillsong's newest live album ^^
Bought it and here it is Hillsong live latest album - Faith+Hope+Love
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Friendship of respect and sacrifice
Friendship, a stable 1 is not easily achieved.
Friendship once broken, is hard to regain.
Some just don't understand friendship...
Some don't understand it well enough...
For me I have the basics but not the advance.
But this is what my heart feels and what I want to write.
Ain't friends:
There to encourage and not discourage?
There to defend and not insult?
There to make their friends happier?
There to comfort when there's sadness?
There to share and listen?
The ones we go to when we have troubles?
Shouldn't friends be respectful to each other and not disrespecting their views? Their religion? Their believes?
Shouldn't friends accept each other?
Don't just think about yourself think about other's feeling... you may be having fun saying this and that but the other party may feel insulted.
Its not about open minded, its not about freedom of speech here, but its about friendship, respect and trust.
Sometimes I just don't understand friends who say really unappreciated things.
Are they saying it for fun? To win the argument? Or they just don't realize what they're saying are insulting?
I sometimes just want to shout to some friends who ask unanswerable questions by saying:" Do you really want to know? Or are you asking this so that you can win this conversation/argument?"
Think for yourselves.
Don't make your friends what you want them to be.
They are living their lives, so are you, and each individually.
No human has the right and authority to make a someone live a life as they see fit, what more a friend.
No matter smart, rich or powerful, there is still no authority.
If you see what they do is not right then tell them, and tell them in a way that a friend would do.
Now please appreciate and respect friends.
Don't live in a fantasy world as though you control the characters in it.
I feel that some of the close friends that I know are not the friends I really know; and sometimes the friends that I don't really know/not close with are the friends which you really need in times of trouble.
The closest friendship is forged not in time, but by the sacrifices we make.
Friendship once broken, is hard to regain.
Some just don't understand friendship...
Some don't understand it well enough...
For me I have the basics but not the advance.
But this is what my heart feels and what I want to write.
Ain't friends:
There to encourage and not discourage?
There to defend and not insult?
There to make their friends happier?
There to comfort when there's sadness?
There to share and listen?
The ones we go to when we have troubles?
Shouldn't friends be respectful to each other and not disrespecting their views? Their religion? Their believes?
Shouldn't friends accept each other?
Don't just think about yourself think about other's feeling... you may be having fun saying this and that but the other party may feel insulted.
Its not about open minded, its not about freedom of speech here, but its about friendship, respect and trust.
Sometimes I just don't understand friends who say really unappreciated things.
Are they saying it for fun? To win the argument? Or they just don't realize what they're saying are insulting?
I sometimes just want to shout to some friends who ask unanswerable questions by saying:" Do you really want to know? Or are you asking this so that you can win this conversation/argument?"
Think for yourselves.
Don't make your friends what you want them to be.
They are living their lives, so are you, and each individually.
No human has the right and authority to make a someone live a life as they see fit, what more a friend.
No matter smart, rich or powerful, there is still no authority.
If you see what they do is not right then tell them, and tell them in a way that a friend would do.
Now please appreciate and respect friends.
Don't live in a fantasy world as though you control the characters in it.
I feel that some of the close friends that I know are not the friends I really know; and sometimes the friends that I don't really know/not close with are the friends which you really need in times of trouble.
The closest friendship is forged not in time, but by the sacrifices we make.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Talking about death
Death, a rare topic, a topic seldom discuss but yet a topic we quite often face, something very real and something that happens suddenly.
Death comes expectedly, silently and is not know.
Quite a lot of death I heard have been happening... whats happening I wonder.
Why so many? Why so sudden?
I feel its time to really appreciate people around and when they're still around.
Just really don't want to lose them suddenly and not having the chance to be with them anymore. We may never predict death, only God knows.
As I've said before in previous post,one can be here today and not tomorrow, its real and its that sudden.
Its really time to start appreciating people when they're still around for death has no warning.
Even more questioning is what if they do not know Christ? Where will they go if they're dead.
Christians yes, we have eternal life but then what of those who do not know about the Truth?
I believe its time to share the Gospel too before its too late.
As I write this, I just wonder if my time is near? If i'll be called home soon?
My job on earth is not done, how then?
I'm thinking too much maybe...
I'm writing this to tell myself and wake myself up.
I need to wake up and start appreciating my family, my friends, and those around me.
I pray pray God wake me up.
Death comes expectedly, silently and is not know.
Quite a lot of death I heard have been happening... whats happening I wonder.
Why so many? Why so sudden?
I feel its time to really appreciate people around and when they're still around.
Just really don't want to lose them suddenly and not having the chance to be with them anymore. We may never predict death, only God knows.
As I've said before in previous post,one can be here today and not tomorrow, its real and its that sudden.
Its really time to start appreciating people when they're still around for death has no warning.
Even more questioning is what if they do not know Christ? Where will they go if they're dead.
Christians yes, we have eternal life but then what of those who do not know about the Truth?
I believe its time to share the Gospel too before its too late.
As I write this, I just wonder if my time is near? If i'll be called home soon?
My job on earth is not done, how then?
I'm thinking too much maybe...
I'm writing this to tell myself and wake myself up.
I need to wake up and start appreciating my family, my friends, and those around me.
I pray pray God wake me up.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The call to "rise up"
I guess I'll be only updating once or twice a week from now on due to laziness and business :p
Last week well nothing much except the monthly test given by our school... I wonder hows my result.
Friday BK class was a little different. Started with a prayer session. Then when one of my friend prayed and mention the word "rise up", I just somehow felt God's touch.
Its repeating in my mind..."rise up, rise up, rise up"
At night went to Agrotech garden in Hulu Langat for dinner with cell group members. Great environment and food ^^
Saturday went for PC fair despite of the new there will be a protest going on in KL area. Went around 12 and reach around 1.30 and walked for about 3 hours.
Then when going back, heard Majlis Jamik station was closed until 6 so had to take the train till pasar seni and walk all the way to Plaza Rakyat LRT station, was damn tiring in a hot and hazy day... reach Jusco Maluri around 5, eat "tea-lunch" then went back home around 6pm.
Today, Sunday woke up 10.30... almost late for church, thank God didn't late, He woke me up in time.
Great service today. Today service was just fitting cause today's preaching really answered some of my questions.
Then again the word "rise up" appeared but I just wonder how?
Tell me O God...
Went home after church.
Around 5 went out again to somewhere in the area before Hulu Langat for dinner and to celebrate my brother's 11 birthday.
Suppose to be 3rd but celebrate 1 day earlier. Happy Birthday Darren.
Environment was ok but food not so...
Went home around 7.30.
A sudden question:
What if I'm not here tomorrow? What would happen?
So thats basically the update for the whole week and for this post.
~God bless~
Last week well nothing much except the monthly test given by our school... I wonder hows my result.
Friday BK class was a little different. Started with a prayer session. Then when one of my friend prayed and mention the word "rise up", I just somehow felt God's touch.
Its repeating in my mind..."rise up, rise up, rise up"
At night went to Agrotech garden in Hulu Langat for dinner with cell group members. Great environment and food ^^
Saturday went for PC fair despite of the new there will be a protest going on in KL area. Went around 12 and reach around 1.30 and walked for about 3 hours.
Then when going back, heard Majlis Jamik station was closed until 6 so had to take the train till pasar seni and walk all the way to Plaza Rakyat LRT station, was damn tiring in a hot and hazy day... reach Jusco Maluri around 5, eat "tea-lunch" then went back home around 6pm.
Today, Sunday woke up 10.30... almost late for church, thank God didn't late, He woke me up in time.
Great service today. Today service was just fitting cause today's preaching really answered some of my questions.
Then again the word "rise up" appeared but I just wonder how?
Tell me O God...
Went home after church.
Around 5 went out again to somewhere in the area before Hulu Langat for dinner and to celebrate my brother's 11 birthday.
Suppose to be 3rd but celebrate 1 day earlier. Happy Birthday Darren.
Environment was ok but food not so...
Went home around 7.30.
A sudden question:
What if I'm not here tomorrow? What would happen?
So thats basically the update for the whole week and for this post.
~God bless~
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