His purpose can either effect us, others or even both.
Places that God put us in are not always what we want, but its His will.
He will reveal His purpose.
This reflects to my life.
See, God puts me in a boy school which I guess no one likes it because I'm sure most of you wants to me in a school co-ex school. But I'm sure and I have faith that He has planned something ahead of me. He has a reason for all things to happen, even things that we actually don't like and things that we sometimes regret, like for me I confess that I regret registering in a boy school but now I understand its not my will but His will for me to be in St. Gabriel. I also confess that I don't like to be in a boy school because its so-called "gay school" which I don't agree however I do agree that boy schools are more "lonely" because all are the same "species"(boys). But I am convince that everything happens for a purpose, God's purpose in our life.
it´s simple. Be patient with God, as how He has always be patient with us. It is in His plan that you are to be in St. Gabriel. You don´t have to say `God, I want to know now!´because God surely will let you know His reasonings when He think it is the right time. He has everything in control. And, Cheers!
Ya agreed
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