Well it seems theres a promotion on this week, so its Rm21 per person.
I heard the normal price is around rm30+ or 60+
Well, using phone cam so its quite blur.
Anyway this is how we cooked lol
All kinds :D
Its pork not squid mind you -.-"
From these
Still fresh :)
And, the result of extreme cooking from many "cooks"
Mind you, its not chocolate cakes
its the tokoyaki "burned" style :D
I love the smell of burned tokoyakies in the morning :p
Who lighted the chicken? O.o
Haha the fire is not from the stove but from the chicken itself haha, it got lighted from the burst of flames before that :D
Its not the light, its the exhaust
They have a pretty cool exhaust system lol
There are these exhaust all around the restaurant at every table.
I wonder in future maybe they can make food delivery to the tables from these hahaha.
Nice XO display ^^
These were at the bar table but... its not included in the rm21 package awww too bad lol
After 2 hours of food we went to TS walked around, then finally decided to watch movie.
Watched G-force HAHAHA, anyway its not bad.
Finally we went home around 1700hours.
The sun was scorching that time.
So these are the updates.
God bless :)
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