Verse of the day

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Alright, first of all before I blog anything, I'm just gonna thank God for guiding me in passing my undang test!
Not just a pass, but a pass with miracle marks- 49/50
First of all, many know that I have partial colour blindness.
I thank God that he helped me to find a solution to pass the colour blind test.
A simple solution- A red and blue 3D spectacle.

Secondly, I thank him for the extra time there before the test which gave me time to do extra revision.
That gave me just all the advantage to get the marks mentioned above.
Well, I did not expect a 49 lol.
At first, I looked at the screen without looking properly and thought I only got 42, the passing park.
Well, I thanked God I passed.
After the score was printed, I realize I looked at the wrong mark, it was 49 :)
I can't believe it, really thank God.

Well, the main topic I wanna blog tonight is stated as the title.
Life, we only go through it once, we only have 1 chance and its only a short time, even shorter for some.
"What can we do in life?" Many will ask.
Many will say "Live it like you want, as long you're happy"
Some say "Live it to the max"
Others say "Live it meaningfully"
Rarely said "Live it to the max for God's kingdom that you may glorify his name by impacting the lives of others with meaning"

Living a life for God?
I sometimes think, it starts with 1 simple choice each of us decide each day- the choice of "word"
Words, can be said to be one of the most powerful thing.
The Word of God, the Bible, says it all.

Apart from that, we can see how words affect the world.
A simple choice of word can cause conflict;
A simple choice of word can spark a war;
A simple choice of word can determine prices;
A simple choice of word drives many things.

For us? Its no least powerful too.
A simple choice of word can encourage one;
A simple choice of word can help one to move on;
A simple choice of word can make a smile;
A simple choice of word can also destroy dreams;
A simple choice of word can destroy life;
A simple choice of word can end one's life;
A simple choice of word could change one's life forever.

How do we live for God?
By choosing the right words in our daily life, that would make an impact in others.

So, what are your choice of words?
Does it encourage one? or Does it discourage one?
Does it make a smile? or Does it cause tears to fall?
Does it start a life? or Does it end one's life?
Many are the choices of life, and our daily words are just one of them.
Words are simple choices, but can really make a big difference.

Thats all for today.
God bless.

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